Albury Waste Management Centre tour
Session description: Find out where much of your waste and business recycling is taken for landfill and processing with a tour of the Albury Waste Management Centre.
Session takeaways: Understand where our waste and recycling ends up after the bin or skip. Understand how your business can access support to recycle more. Link your business with the Halve Waste program and other recycling programs locally. Understand how the Halve Waste program achieved its 2020 goal of halving waste to landfill and plans to achieve an 80% reduction in waste to landfill by 2030. Understand what the circular economy is currently doing in the region and plans to expand and grow the sector.
Speaker overview: Michelle Wilkinson, Program Coordinator for Halve Waste - Michelle has been working in the waste, recycling and sustainability sector for over 15 years and the Halve Waste program has successfully engaged the local community to reduce waste to landfill with the introduction of the 3 bin system in 2015 and other community recycling programs. Recently the Halve Waste program has expanded to 18 councils across North East Victoria and southern NSW - a great win for consistent messaging and regional support in the growing circular economy.